Work package:

Dr Karen Cooper is focused in the area of Sustainable Nutrition with 13 years industrial Research and Development experience. She works to brings together the science of sustainability and nutrition in the context of Nestlé’s purpose and commitments. She is responsible for developing tools, ways of working and collaborations to help drive nutrition and sustainability impact, via products and actions as a company, with a particular emphasis on the nutrition status of farmer families. She also coordinates a network of sustainability champions across the global R&D network in over 30 centres that help embed sustainability into products and processes at the earliest stage, encompassing the entire value chain, from the farmer to consumer. Karen often represents Nestlé externally at scientific congresses in the areas of food and nutrition security as well as acting as an industry stakeholder and contributor to European-funded and global scientific projects on the sustainability of food systems.
Karen is currently on secondment to the FReSH (Food Reform for Sustainability and Health) programme led by the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) and the EAT Foundation.
Karen holds a BSc in Human and Environmental Biology, an MSc in Human Nutrition and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the University of Ulster, as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Sustainable Business from the University of Cambridge.