Deliverable 1.2: Metrics to assess Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in the EU - a progress report

Deliverable 1.2: Metrics to assess Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in the EU - a progress report
Paper authors
Monika Zurek* (University of Oxford), John Ingram (University of Oxford), Martine Rutten (LEI Wageningen UR/Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs), Andrea Zimmermann (University of Bonn), Maria Garrone (University of Leuven), Inge Tetens ( Danmarks Tekniske U niversitet), Adrian Leip (European Commission, Joint Research Centre), Sara Hornborg (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden), Petr Havlík (IIASA), Thom Achterbosch (LEI Wageningen UR), Joost Vervoort (University of Oxford), Anneleen Kuijsten (Wageni ngen UR), Lindsay Shutes (Wageningen UR), Louis - George Soler (INRA)
Oct 11 2016
Description Metrics to assess Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security in the EU -a progress report. Released to consortium.
Corresponding Author(s)
Monika Zurek
Authors at SUSFANS
Work package