Deliverable 5.1: Baseline sustainability assessment of the current state of livestock/fish and fruit/vegetables supply chains

Deliverable 5.1: Baseline sustainability assessment of the current state of livestock/fish and fruit/vegetables supply chains
Paper authors
Hannah van Zanten (WUR), Sara Hornborg (RISE), Friedrike Ziegler (RISE), Inge Tetens(DTU), Adrian Leip(JRC), Marijke Kuiper(WEcR) and Imke de Boer (WUR)
Oct 4 2017
Description To assess different possible future directions for the EU food system, potential pathways based on a set of innovations need to be identified. The aim of WP5 is to define different pathways towards more sustainable and healthy diets within the EU, without negative implications in the rest of world. This first report of WP 5 makes the case for the two selected case studies based on the current situation, provides as first set of innovation pathways and explores the use of metrics in a spider diagram to assess sustainable FNS. The innovations focus on two cases, ‘livestock and fish case’ and ‘the fruit and vegetable case’. For both supply chains there are concerns regarding the current European diet (too high consumption of livestock and too limited consumption fruit, vegetables and seafood), whereas for livestock and fish production there are also pressing environmental concerns (land use, GHG emissions, fish stock depletion).
Corresponding Author(s)
Hannah van Zanten (WUR), Sara Hornborg (RISE), Friedrike Ziegler (RISE), Inge Tetens (DTU), Adrian Leip (JRC), Marijke Kuiper (WEcR) and Imke de Boer (WUR)
Authors at SUSFANS
Work package