Deliverable 5.4: Sustainability impacts of potential innovations in the supply chain of livestock and fish, and fruit and vegetables, and sustainable future diets (Report on T5.4)

Deliverable 5.4: Sustainability impacts of potential innovations in the supply chain of livestock and fish, and fruit and vegetables, and sustainable future diets (Report on T5.4)
Paper authors
Hannah van Zanten
Ollie van Hal
Friederike Ziegler
Sara Hornborg
Catharina Latka
Alejandro Parodi
With contributions from: Thom Achterbosch, Marta Bianchi, Imke de Boer, Louisa Borthwick, Elke Burgstaller, Thomas Heckelei, Adrian Leip, Hugo Valin
May 15 2019
Description To assess different possible future directions for the EU food system, potential innovations were identified towards achieving sustainable healthy diets within the EU. The innovations focused on two cases, the ‘livestock and fish case’ and the ‘fruit and vegetable case’. For both supply chains there are concerns regarding the current European diet (excessive consumption of livestock and too low consumption of fruit, vegetables and seafood). For animal production, i.e. livestock and seafood, environmental concerns (land use, GHG emissions, fish stock depletion etc.) are particularly pressing.
Corresponding Author(s)
Hannah van Zanten
Ollie van Hal
Friederike Ziegler
Sara Hornborg
Catharina Latka
Alejandro Parodi
Authors at SUSFANS
Work package