Deliverable 10.4: Foresight of EU sustainable food and nutrition security: the interplay between major challenges and policy responses at different spatiotemporal scales

Deliverable 10.4: Foresight of EU sustainable food and nutrition security: the interplay between major challenges and policy responses at different spatiotemporal scales
Paper authors
Stefan Frank (IIASA), Catharina Latka (UBO), Petr Havlík (IIASA), Marijke Kuiper (WECR), Michiel van Dijk (IIASA, WECR), Thom Achterbosch (WECR), Hao David Cui (WECR), Marianne Geleijnse (WU), Aniek Hebinck (UOXF), Thomas Heckelei (UBO), Anneleen Kuijsten (WU), Adrian Leip (JRC), Diti Oudendag (WECR), Monika Verma (WECR), Heinz-Peter Witzke (UBO), Zurek Monika (UOXF)
May 15 2019
Description This deliverable reports on Task 10.4. Based on a quantification of a the combinations of future challenges and policies, it delivers summary challenges and efficient policy solutions for the EU sustainable FNS, stakeholder knowledge and priorities to ensure its suitability for decision
Corresponding Author(s)
Stefan Frank
Authors at SUSFANS
Work package