Work package 4 will develop a system understanding of the drivers of and prepare, collect and deliver the data for assessing FNS and its sustainability at the level of primary agricultural and fisheries production. The Collection of data and topics are all related to primary production.
It will provide
and will establish a consistent accounting system for emission leakages, prepare an EU-wide spatially disaggregated database at the sub-regional level and collect and deliver data at the level of primary agricultural and fish production
Land use diversity and soil erosion are amongst the aggregated variables required for describing environmental sustainability in the domains ‘biodiversity’ and ‘natural resources’. Both aggregated variables need to be quantified at high spatial resolution. The CAPRI model is able to do this, but the calculation procedure required improvements. This report describes basic features of the methodology, scrutinizes deficiencies in the current implementation and identifies possibilities to update and improve the method.
Take a lookCrop production is the most crucial primary agricultural production activity for both food and nutrition security. Around 70% of the calories per capita and day come from plant-based products. The report provides a qualitative assessment of drivers of crop production and a quantitative analysis of crop yields in the EU. Crop yield trends are largely positive throughout the EU. Average efficiencies in yield exploitation are between 70 and 80% depending on the crop. Climate has mixed effects on crop yields and farm size, fertilizer and plant protection all clearly positively affect crop yields.
Take a lookThis paper demonstrates that SUSFANS metrics for assessing the environmental sustainability of the European food system can be effectively produced and applied to assess policy measures and potential innovations that aim at achieving sustainable food and nutrition security in the European Union. The analysis points at important issues that need to be taken into account for the further development and application of metrics.
Take a lookThe CAPRI model can be used in order to estimate GHG emissions from the agricultural sector in the EU. However, the calculation follows the logic of the UNFCCC framework, assigning emissions to production activities and the regions where those activities take place. In order to move from a production towards a more consumption oriented perspective we developed an LCA-module (Life cycle Assessment), both for EU and Non-EU regions, covering not only regional emissions but also emission leakage and worldwide emissions.
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